Things You Didn’t Know About Elon Musk

4 min readAug 12, 2022

I knew he was rich and had a lot of kids, but that was about it.

Creative Commons: jurvetson

Okay, I also knew he was involved with electric cars and went into space. I also knew he made an offer to buy Twitter and that seems to be going belly up. With that background, I decided to find out some more about this guy who seems to be in the news so much.

1: His salary from Tesla Motors is $1.

That place must have great benefits. Plus, he must be a great money manager. Hold on, being told he might have gotten a multi-billion dollar bonus.

2: Musk has ten kids, though, sadly, one passed away.

I was going to give a breakdown of Elon’s kids and their mothers but the task proved more complicated than I thought and I started developing a headache.

I will say that he has two sets of twins and a set of triplets. This guy gets a huge return on his investment in every aspect of his life.

3: Musk provided part of the inspiration for the character, Tony Hawk, aka Iron Man.

I’ve been approached about being a character in a movie about geriatric superheroes. My character would be similar to the Iron Man character. He would be Iron…




You probably don't know my name, but have likely seen my work. I've written for numerous syndicated cartoon strips and my gags have appeared in national pubs.