Member-only story
Theories as to Why Writers Are Leaving Medium
My friend and fellow writer on Medium bought up some interesting facts.
I have a friend who also writes for Medium, Judy Derby. Judy does thoughtful, well researched pieces, complete with good grammar, no typos and supportive shoutouts to other Medium writers. In other words, all the things you have come not to expect from me. Judy recently did a piece that especially caught my attention.
Her article, Why Are So Many Medium Writers Quitting? chronicled the current Medium status of her first 100 followers. Here’s a spoiler alert: only 21 are currently actively writing for Medium. Her breakdown of the 100 is extremely interesting. I actually have some theories as to why the attrition rate of Medium writers is so high.
Unrealistic Expectations.
As I’ve stated before, writers write for different reasons. Some write for self-expression, others hoping to connect with other people, and some of us want the money. That last group would include me. But let’s start with the first category.
Some people feel they must have an outlet for their feelings. Writing is cheaper than therapy, but may are not be as effective. If we are looking for validation on Medium, that can be a tricky thing. Sometimes our work can be met with criticism, or more likely apathy. I…