Ten Almost Facts About Leonardo Da Vinci

3 min read6 days ago

Don’t take this too seriously.

Creative Commons: MAMJODH

When you think of Leonardo da Vinci you think smart guy, brilliant artist. Right? Well, there was a lot more to him than that. Here are the Top 10 Little Known Facts about Leonardo Da Vinci:

10: Leonardo was an animal lover, horses in particular. Despite being brilliant and loving horses, he still lost money playing the ponies.

9: His statue, created by Luigi Pampaploui, is often mistaken for a member of ZZ Top. But no, it’s not located in, La Grange, TX.

8: When what is thought to his remains were exhumed, a large skull was unearthed. It was hypothesized the large skull was an indicator of Leo’s superior intelligence. Skeptics wonder about possible steroid use.

7: He couldn’t settle on a career. Da Vinci was an artist, engineer, scientist, and military consultant. The guy had a hard time settling on a career. It reminds me of Jethro Bodine, of Beverly Hillbillies fame. Jethro was torn between career choices, too. He wanted to be either a brain surgeon or fry cook.

6. Some of his inventions go unrecognized. While Leo’s early designs for the bicycle and helicopter are noted, his prototype microwave goes uncredited.

5: Da Vinci integrated art and science. Leo saw these two fields of endeavor as…




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