Old Guy Cleaning Tips

3 min readJul 20, 2022

Sometimes you have to use guile rather than energy.

Cartoon by Lambert-Allen

I’m not a neat freak but I do like a certain degree of order and cleanliness in my surroundings. As both my wife and I are slowing down, it has become incumbent on me to help with the housework. Well, I haven’t gotten old without learning some tricks along the way. and fortunately for you, I’m willing to share these points with others. Especially paying subscribers to Medium.

When I talk about cleaning tips, I’m not limiting them to just house cleaning tips. I’ll share cleaning tips in other aspects of life. Here we go.

1: Make sure the situation really necessitates some type of cleaning action.

We want a nice environment, but we aren’t going all Felix Unger here.

2: At mealtime, make your dog your cleaning ally.

When eating some messy foods don’t get all pretentious and use a finger bowl. Use your best friend, your dog. Not only will he lick your fingers clean, but it will also be a bonding experience for you and your buddy.

3: Don’t waste money on paper towels.

So, are your fingers still moist from your dog licking messy stuff off them? Not to worry. Your dog has fur…




You probably don't know my name, but have likely seen my work. I've written for numerous syndicated cartoon strips and my gags have appeared in national pubs.