Managing Funeral Costs

3 min read3 days ago

I’m here for you in your time of need.

Cartoon by Lambert-King

The death of a loved one is one of the most traumatic of all human experiences. Emotions can lead to poor financial decisions. Keep these points in mind, and don’t take this piece too seriously.

Is the cost of a coffin an indicator of how much you cared for the deceased? No. When my grandfather died, the family discussed which coffin to get. They ended up getting a high-dollar unit. We were a poor family. Why the expensive casket?

My uncle, who was an atheist, made an interesting point. He said, that while no casket could preserve the body indefinitely, the high-end casket might preserve it longer. Does that really matter? Were we going to dig up grandpa in a few years and see how he was holding up? I think not.

If we did, can you imagine that discussion? “Yea, he looks pretty good. Good thing we sprung for the extra three thousand.”

The family generally wants the deceased to look as good as possible. That sometimes involves buying a new suit. Once again, it’s ok to make a practical decision. There’s no need to buy a suit with two pairs of pants.

Oftentimes, the departed with get the help of a makeup expert. Still, there’s no need to do a complete makeover. At the same time, you might not want to call the local cosmetology school and…




You probably don't know my name, but have likely seen my work. I've written for numerous syndicated cartoon strips and my gags have appeared in national pubs.