Is the Honeymoon Over in Your Marriage?

3 min read2 days ago

Here are ten ways to tell.

Cartoon by Lambert-King

Marriage is a lot of work. Without it, you see some of these things creep into your relationship.

10: Your spouse doesn’t respect boundaries. As an example, your spouse doesn’t adhere to the 1000 yard court-ordered distance that has been put into effect. If this happens to you, there’s a problem.

9: Your partner talks about intimacy issues with you. Sounds good, right? But about two minutes into the discussion, your spouse says, “Oh wait, that wasn’t with you.” That can be a definite issue in a relationship.

8: Your spouse wants to play doctor with you. Sounds exciting, right? Wrong. By playing doctor, they mean they won’t see you without a referral. And no, I’m not going to talk about billing.

7: They are surprisingly supportive. But that’s somewhat deceptive. You’ll notice when they say things like, “Get the extra cheese with that. Or, you’ve had a big day, no need to exercise”. And, ‘Forget about getting that colonoscopy.” Most of us don’t need our bad impulses supported.

6: Conversation is forced. No, I mean really forced. Like one member in the relationship has the other one tied up and interrogates the other under a hot light. Communication is vital, but there are limits.




You probably don't know my name, but have likely seen my work. I've written for numerous syndicated cartoon strips and my gags have appeared in national pubs.