Facts About the TV Show, “Death Valley Days”

3 min readJan 10, 2024

It was a nice blend of westerns and history.

Creative Commons: Sabatu

I like western history. I’ve read a lot of books about the subject and enjoy offbeat, quirky stories from that setting. Death Valley Days was a good union of those elements. While I didn’t find the production elements of the series to be all that good, the series was entertaining, nonetheless.

I vaguely remember the show plugging by 20 Mule Team Borax. It was also an anthology series, with no set cast or characters. The show did have four narrators over its long run. So, after some extra reading, here are some things you didn’t know about Death Valley Days.

1: The show was first hosted by Stanley Andrews, aka, “The Old Ranger.”

I’m not sure what type of Ranger he was. Texas? Arizona? Space?

2: Death Valley Days was the most successful television Western ever in the half-hour format.

There were 452 episodes in the series.

3: Many of the weapons in the series were not era appropriate.

So, the pioneers didn’t have machine guns?

4: The series was Ronald Reagan’s




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