Facts About Robert Culp

3 min readFeb 20, 2024

Does anybody else remember him from “I Spy?”

Creative Commons: Manuel Bartual from Madrid, España

I have vague recollections of watching Robert Culp team with a then popular Bill Cosby in a TV show called” I Spy.” The show combined action and humor as well as excellent chemistry between Culp and Cosby. In addition, Culp played in a number of westerns, so that helped his visibility, at least with me.

Before I started writing this, I didn’t know a lot about Culp. When I started getting more information about Culp, I was surprised, and not always in a good way. With that said, here some things you didn’t know about Robert Culp.

1: He was a poker buddy of Hugh Hefner, so he spent a lot of time at the Playboy Mansion.

So, did they play Strip Poker at the Playboy Mansion?

2: Perhaps related to that, Culp was known to be very active in Southern California’s swinger subculture.

Is that like in baseball when sometimes there is a swing and a miss?

3: Culp was one of only five actors to play multiple killers in “Columbo.”

So, he was somewhat of an acting serial killer on the show.




You probably don't know my name, but have likely seen my work. I've written for numerous syndicated cartoon strips and my gags have appeared in national pubs.