Facts About Michael Caine

4 min readAug 16, 2024

He’s had a varied career.

Michael Caine: Viennale 2012 d

I can only recall a couple of movies I’ve seen Michael Caine in, but I thought he was excellent. One was Secondhand Lions and the other was The Man Who Would be King. It seems that I should have seen more.

I knew he had recently retired from acting at the age of 90. I appreciate he made the decision as opposed to letting a lack of opportunities make that decision for him. Sometimes it’s hard to figure out if you are chronically unemployed or retired. Michael made that decision himself. Beyond that, here are some things you didn’t know about Michael Caine.

1: Michael got a taste of acting at the age of 10 when he played father of the ugly sisters in Cinderella. It turns out Michael’s pants were unzipped, which resulted in laughter from the audience.

This made Michael want to get into acting. Fortunately, he’s done comedy, not porn.

2: Caine was repelled by communism after his stint in the Korean War. That was the result of communist army using human waves to attack. This led Caine to the conclusion communists didn’t care for




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