Facts About Lee Marvin

3 min readOct 15, 2023

He was an actual tough guy.

Creative Commons: Dijk, Hans van / Anefo

In addition to his movies, Lee Marvin is also remembered for being involved in a high-profile palimony lawsuit with Michelle Triola Marvin. Ultimately, Marvin was ordered to pay Michele $104,000 for what was described as “rehabilitation purposes.” I’m just curious as to what she was rehabbing from. Was it from Lee? Was there a Betty Ford like clinic to help women get over being in a relationship with Lee. Was a 12-step program involved?

Eventually that settlement was overturned in appeals court.

After that little morsel, it’s on to some more things you might not have known about Lee.

1: Regarding that palimony suit, Marvin called it a “circus and said, “everyone was lying, even I lied.”

I have to say, Lee picked an interesting time to take up honesty.

2: Lee and his older brother Robert were both named after Confederate General, Robert E Lee.

In today’s climate, Lee might have had to change his name to Ulysees.

3: Marvin was a poor student in school, suffering from dyslexia and ADHD.




You probably don't know my name, but have likely seen my work. I've written for numerous syndicated cartoon strips and my gags have appeared in national pubs.