Facts About Bela Lugosi

3 min readOct 28, 2023

He was more than a vampire.

Creative Commons: twm1340

I’m not a fan or horror movies, vampire movies included. For those of a certain age, Bela Lugosi epitomized movie vampires. Some guys just pull off a cape better than others. In addition to playing Count Dracula, Bela worked with director Ed Wood, late in life. Together they made some film history. Just not the good kind. More about that later.

I knew about Bela and his work with Ed Wood in “Plan 9 from Outer Space,” but figured there had to be more to his career than that and some other work as Dracula. So here are some things I didn’t know about Bela Lugosi and you probably didn’t know either.

1: In 1913, he caught on with the National Theater of Hungary.

Pryor to that, he was a starving artist in Hungary. Sorry.

2: Bela served in World War I with the Austro-Hungarian Army.

He was injured on three separate occasions. After recovering from his injuries, he went back to the National Theater to face the slings and arrows of critics.

3: Lugosi was a huge soccer fan.

He was a fan to the extend he was named Honorary President of the Los Angeles Soccer League. It was really odd to see a guy at a…




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