Facts About Babylon

3 min readJan 5, 2024

It’s basically gone without a trace.

Creative Commons: D-Stanley

To some, the word “Babylon” evokes feelings of mystery. Babylon was a world power at its peak but is now rubble. And its fate was actually prophesied in the Bible. The Bible even prophesied that Cyrus the Mede would conquer Babylon in Isaiah, chapters 44 and 45.

The conquering of Babylon by Cyrus resulted in the Jews being released from captivity. Even beyond that, Babylon had quite a colorful history. So, here are some things you didn’t know about Babylon.

1: Remember Ishtar? It’s a vestige of Babylon.

The Ishtar Gate was a notable structure in the city. Ishtar was a Mesopotamian goddess of war and fertility. Both Ishtar the goddess and movie ultimately bombed.

2: Babylonians lived by The Code of Hammurabi.

The code was based on the concept of an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth. It was endorsed by both optometrists and dentists.

3: They had a risky retirement system.

Many Babylonians relied on having a bunch of kids as their retirement plan. Well, that’s a whole different financial system.

4: Babylonians worshipped many gods and goddesses with Marduk




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