Member-only story
Extolling the Virtues of Dogs
It’s a pretty easy thing to do.

We all heard that dogs are good judges of character. While we may have heard that, it’s possible that we took that with a grain of salt. Well, a recent study has indicated that there is some actual truth to that. If dogs are actually proven to be good judges of character the ramifications are huge. There’s a lot to unpack.
Dogs are ready to take a larger role in financial and legal matters.
Imagine you are accused of a crime and go to trial. You need a character witness. Who better than your dog? Sure, five eyewitnesses say you committed the crime, but your dog vouches for you. Let’s face it, people lie. Dogs have been proven to be good judges of character.
Really want to stack the deck in your favor? Have more dogs testify in your behalf. If one or more of your dogs/witnesses bite your accuser, that just strengthens your case. Your accuser must be a bad guy.
Your dog can also help you escape the grip of poverty. Do you need a loan, but have no collateral? Do you have bad credit? Take your dog with you. He can vouch for your character. That should count for something.