Excuses We Make When We Get Older

2 min readMar 2, 2023

No, we’re not the problem.

Cartoon by Lambert-King

As we age, we see changes occur that we don’t like. We don’t hear or see as well as we used to, we aren’t as mobile as we used to be and we might see some changes in our mental capacities. But when it comes to dealing with these realities, we do what people of all ages do, we go into denial. Sometimes to a ridiculous degree. Let’s consider some examples.

Why does everybody mumble?

Have you noticed this phenomenon in the last 5–10 years? Remember when we were young, and everybody talked at a level you could understand? Have people forgotten how to talk clearly? There seems to be a urgent need for speech therapists in the world.

And this same trend as bled over into technology. Sure cell phones can do a lot of things, but it would be nice if you could actually hear a call on one of them. That carries over into new TVs and radios. And there’s something that makes it worse.

Sometimes people around you act there is no problem. I guess they just don’t want to face reality.

And speaking of technology, is high-definition TV really high definition?

The people on it are actually fuzzy. Low-definition TVs were actually better 20 years ago. I remember I…




You probably don't know my name, but have likely seen my work. I've written for numerous syndicated cartoon strips and my gags have appeared in national pubs.