Bathroom Physics, The Marilyn Monroe Doctrine and Other Stuff
Some ideas need to be examined.
Like most writers, I’m constantly looking for things to write about. In my case, I’m often looking for some nugget or concept I can turn into a three or four minute read. Sometimes, however, I find some micro-concepts that don’t require that much time and are unrelated, except for one thing. They strike me as worthy of more thought than they are sometimes given.
Sometimes they occur in my life, and sometimes it’s stuff I read about. Consider some examples.
Bathroom physics.
Decades of marriage have pretty well trained me to put the toilet lid down after doing my thing. Recently, however, I forgot. My wife reminded me and used the old adage, “I could have fallen in.”
Despite my transgression, the likelihood of the outcome my wife described is pretty small. But, as I rubbed the knot on my head after explaining why that wasn’t likely to happen, it occurred to me some people just don’t care about physics.
I now know the appropriate response is, ‘I’m sorry dear. It won’t happen again.’ Lesson learned.