15 Facts About Hawaii

3 min read6 days ago

I would have liked to have visited it.

Photo by Christian Joudrey on Unsplash

There are a lot of places I would like to have been able to visit but haven’t. Hawaii is high up on thar list. It seems to be a truly beautiful place. A lot of what I get about Hawaii comes from TV shows. Hawaii was the backdrop for the classic Dog the Bounty Hunter, as well as Magnum PI. The original Magnum, I have watched the new one.

I do have some friends who have lived there and talked about the expense of living there. There are some difficulties associated with living there. Now, on to some things you didn’t know about Hawaii.

1: Hawaii became an internationally recognized kingdom 1810. The kingdom was overturned by European and American businessmen in 1893.

If that sounds sort of shady, consider in 1993 Congress issued the “Apology Resolution.” It was an acknowledgement of the role of the United States’ role in the overthrow. It was also known as the, “Oh Well,” and “Excuse me” resolution.

2: The residents of Hawaii have the longest life expectancy of any other state at 80.7 years.

It also has one of the highest costs of living of any states. Maybe residents live long because they are…




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