15 Facts About Colorado

4 min readSep 4, 2024

It really is a beautiful state.

Photo by Duong Vu on Unsplash

My personal experience in Colorado is limited. We spent some time visiting friends near Denver nearly 20 years ago. I have to say, traveling through the state was an impressive experience. It was made more exciting by driving a four-cylinder minivan through some of the mountains of Colorado.

At the time, my wife and I thought it might be nice to live in Colorado, but a quick comparison of our bank account and the housing prices in Colorado quickly put that idea to rest. Beyond that, I didn’t know that much about Colorado, so after doing some reading, here are 15 unusual facts about Colorado.

1: Colardo has the lowest obesity rate of any state. As of 2018, 24% of the population was considered medically obese.

And I’ve done my part by not moving to Colorado.

2: At 80.21 years, Colorado has the longest life expectancy of in US state.

Maybe it’s time for me to consider moving there.

3: Colorado is also number one in the country in the production of beer.




You probably don't know my name, but have likely seen my work. I've written for numerous syndicated cartoon strips and my gags have appeared in national pubs.