12 Unusual Facts About Lotteries

3 min read2 days ago

You can’t lose if you don’t play.

Cartoon by Lambert-King

At the last place I worked, the lottery was a big thing. I was about the only one who didn’t play. What did we all have in common? We were poor. Lotteries hold out hope for poor people. While generally exploiting them. Sort of like hawking bogus cancer cures to patients who are terminally ill. Against that backdrop, here are some facts about lotteries.

1: During the Roman festival of Saturnalia, rich dinner hosts held a sort of lottery.

Guests received a ticket, one of which was a winning ticket. The winner got stuff like dinnerware. Or maybe even steak knives.

2: Want to know the most commonly drawn lottery numbers?

They are 44, 38, and 40. If those numbers also happen to be your measurements, you are not a winner.

3: When it comes to the lottery, even winners lose.

Before thinking how rich lottery winners are, keep in mind the IRS can take 40% of the winnings. And states can take another chunk.

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You probably don't know my name, but have likely seen my work. I've written for numerous syndicated cartoon strips and my gags have appeared in national pubs.