12 Things You Didn’t Know About Richard Burton
Take away his relationship with Elizabeth Taylor and I didn’t know much.
I don’ believe I’ve ever watched a Richard Burton movie. Check that, I’ve seen lot of “The Longest Day” but I’m not usre that counts as a Richard Burton movie. I’m pretty sure he didn’t star in any westerns or comedies. What I remember Burton for was his relationship with Elizbeth Taylor and his drinking issues. There has to be more to the guy than that.
So, after some research, here are some things you might not have known about Richard Burton.
1: Burton had a number of menial jobs when he was young.
Included in these jobs were delivering newspapers and horse manure. It sounds like he was preparing for a career in politics.
2: Richard considered various career options, including religion, singing and boxing.
Ironically, acting, drinking and womanizing weren’t on his list.
3: Burton received $250,000 for his work in “The Longest Day.”
No doubt that helped him to build a war chest to court Elizabeth Taylor.