12 Neat Things About Naps

3 min read2 days ago

I’m a huge fan.

Cartoon by Lambert-King

As I’ve gotten older my routine has changed a bit. Naps have become a staple of my afternoons. Not always by choice, but a part of my afternoons, nevertheless. Generally speaking, they are not unwelcome. Unless I’m driving. Just kidding. I was checking to see if you were nodding off. So, here are some cool things about naps.

1: If you fall asleep in less than five minutes you are sleep deprived.

Either that or you are a guy trying to watch a Lifetime movie with your wife.

2: You can actually sleep with your eyes open.

It is possible to catnap in that fashion. The sleeper may not even be aware of it. More importantly, the sleeper’s boss might not be aware of it.

In some cases, it takes medical supervision to determine if a person is asleep. So, if you tend to nap at work, be on alert if your boss seemingly inexplicably hires a medical expert.

3: If you are sleepy, you might blame Thomas Edison.

Before the invention of the light bulb, Americans slept, on average nine hours per night. They now sleep less than seven. I would have thought that would have gone up again since Johnny Carson retired.




You probably don't know my name, but have likely seen my work. I've written for numerous syndicated cartoon strips and my gags have appeared in national pubs.