12 Little Known Facts About Harrison Ford
He’s perhaps the biggest box office star in our generation.
On a personal level, Harrison Ford is one of my favorite actors. He’s also the guy who’s aging process I’d like to replicate. Eighty looks pretty good on Harrison. I don’t know if he’s had any work done or not, but if he has, it’s pretty good work, as evidenced by the fact there is any question about it.
I decided to find out what I could about Harrison. Below are some things you might not have known about Harrison Ford.
1: Ford’s favorite character is Indiana Jones.
And his favorite sports movie is “Hoosiers.” Hold on, being told that info is bogus. I just got carried away with that Indiana theme.
2: In 1997 Ford snagged the number one spot on Empire’s list of ‘The Top 100 Movie Stars of All Time’ list.
He followed that up by being named People’s “Sexiest Man Alive” in 1998. After that, his career just dropped off a cliff. Hold on, that’s actually when my career dropped off a cliff. A little transference there.
3: He acts hurt.
No, I don’t mean he acts like he’s hurt. I mean he acts when he’s hurt. A case in point is when he…