11 Things You Didn’t Know About Mr. Ed
People could learn a lot from him.
During the 50s and 60s, TV horses had a golden age. The Lone Ranger had Silver, Roy Rogers had Trigger and Gene Autry had Champion. But one horse stood mane and shoulder above the rest. That would be Mr. Ed. I would say Wilbur Post had Mr. Ed, but if anything, it seemed the other way around.
I remembered being impressed with out four-legged hero and decided to dig into a little more information about him. Here are some things you might not have known about “The Famous Mr. Ed.”
1: Mr. Ed’s real name was Bamboo Harvester and he won various awards.
You might not have known that because he didn’t like to talk about it.
2: While most people loved the Mr. Ed theme song, a fundamentalist group from Ohio thought it was Satanic.
The group did say they didn’t think the producers put the message there on purpose. I’d hate to think Mr. Ed had gone over to the dark side.
3: Ed sometimes worked on his own schedule.
When he got tired of the proceedings, he would simply wander off. Ed would open the barn door and out he would go. I’m not…