10 Things You Didn’t Know About the IRS and Taxes

3 min readMar 31, 2022

Some of this stuff is amazing.

Cartoon by Lambert-King

It’s that time again. The time we all dread. No, not the time when your in-laws are coming for a visit. It’s tax time. As we spend time gathering tax records, maybe we can ponder facts about the IRS and tax records in general. Here are some little-known/funky facts on the subject.

1: In Oregon, double amputees get a $50 tax credit while single amputees get zilch.

I don’t think I care for Oregon’s double or nothing plan.

2: TVs are taxed in England. Color TVs are taxed at a higher rate than black and white TVs.

In another bizarre quirk, blind taxpayers pay only half the usual rate. I think it would probably be a shrewd move for blind TV viewers to go with a black and white set and get the tax savings.

3: Urine was taxed in the first century by the Roman emperor.

Urine was valued for its ammonia content. It was used to clean clothes and whiten teeth. And not sure what they used for mouth wash.

Urine was gathered at public restrooms. So if a Roman “held it,” would he be guilty of tax evasion?




You probably don't know my name, but have likely seen my work. I've written for numerous syndicated cartoon strips and my gags have appeared in national pubs.