10 Signs You are Intelligent

3 min readSep 5, 2024

Reading my stuff is also a sign of intelligence.

Cartoon by Lambert-King

I’ve actually perused several articles that talk about intelligence and how it can be recognized. Then I took the time to edit out the ones that didn’t seem to be applicable in my case. What was left was the list below.

1: Do you like to sleep late?

Then you may be smart. The problem I’ve experienced over the years is that people sometimes mistake my intelligence for laziness. I‘ve heard the early bird catches the worm. What kind of incentive is catching a worm? Smart people recognize that.

2: Are you attractive?

Then you might be smart. Ok, in my case, this is a stretch, but I thought it was interesting. I think what actually happens is other people tell attractive people they’re smart and the attractive people aren’t sharp enough to realize they’re being played.

3: Do you enjoy twisted humor?

Then you might be smart. Or another way to look at it, if you like my stuff you’re smart. Not that that is self-serving in any way.

4: Do you have large pupils?

Then you might be smart. By large pupils, I don’t mean a classroom full of football players. Of course, if I have to tell…




You probably don't know my name, but have likely seen my work. I've written for numerous syndicated cartoon strips and my gags have appeared in national pubs.